ABBYY Lingvo Dictionary for Mac破解版是一款专业的万能词典工具,也是俄罗斯著名的语言翻译软件。ABBYY Lingvo for Mac破解版提供了一种快速简便的方法来访问各种语言的字典内容。您可以创建自己的自定义词典集,从广泛的一般翻译词典,解释性,惯用词以及各种主题词典中进行选择。
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ABBYY Lingvo Dictionary 1.11 Mac 破解版 介绍
ABBYY Lingvo European for Mac无需Internet连接即可快速准确地翻译单词和短语。该应用程序中包含7种语言的112词典(俄语,英语,法语,西班牙语,德语,意大利语和葡萄牙语)。所有ABBYY Lingvo欧洲词典均由领先的国际出版商授权。
- 获取每个单词含义的多个翻译和使用示例。
- 从一般翻译和惯用词典,短语书籍和英语俚语和口语的词典中学习集合表达的含义。
- 查看同义词和反义词,语法笔记,动词形式和文化信息。
- 在不同的基于主题的词典(如计算机,工程,法律,医学和许多其他词典)中查找准确的翻译。
- 收听母语人士录制的英语,西班牙语,德语,俄语和法语关键词的发音。
- 使用“服务”菜单或快捷方式(命令)快速获取单词翻译。
- 使用Safari扩展程序使用弹出翻译。
- 法语英语和英语法语:2个词典,44,000个词条
- SpanishEnglish和EnglishSpanish:2个词典,44,000个条目
- GermanEnglish和EnglishGerman:2个词典,包含4300个条目
- ItalianEnglish和EnglishItalian:2个词典,44,000个条目
- PortugueseEnglish和EnglishPortuguese:3个词典,68,000个词条
- 从俄语翻译成英语,法语,西班牙语,德语,意大利语和后语:
- EnglishRussian和RussianEnglish:40个词典,超过2,000,000个条目
- FrenchRussian和RussianFrench:17个词典,共有980,000个条目
- SpanishRussian和RussianSpanish:5个词典,包含145,000个条目
- GermanRussian和RussianGerman:23个词典,885,000个词条
- ItalianRussian和RussianItalian:11个词典,有705,000个条目
- 解释词典:
- 牛津英语词典。355,000个条目
- Collins Cobuild高级学习者英语词典。88,000个条目
- 俄语:3个词典,包含151,000个条目
What's New in Lingvo Dictionary
Version 1.11.0:
- Added extension for pop-up brief word translation in Safari.
- Added words filtration when searching.
- Added word suggestions while input.
- Safari extension and Shortcut translation may now work without launching the main app.
- Added the ability to choose the separate translation direction for Safari extension and Shortcut translation.
- Added the ability to switch off the source language synchronization with the keyboard language.
- Updated the dictionaries set.
- Refreshed the app design.
Version 1.10.2:
- 64-bit app version is implemented.
- Dark Mode on macOS Mojave is supported.
- App size is optimized.
- Updated dictionaries: Spanish-Russian and Russian-Spanish dictionaries, Russian-Italian dictionary, Universal English-Russian dictionary, English-Russian and Russian-English Law dictionaries.
- Sound files for most dictionaries are updated.
- Morphology data (see Inflected Word Forms) are updated.
- The pop-up translation module (ABBYY Lingvo Pop-Up Translation) is removed. For quick word translation use instead the search service "Look Up in Lingvo Dictionary" by opening the Services menu or using shortcut (Command + ).
- User dictionaries are not supported at the new version.
- Some minor bugs are fixed.
- App crash when working with German dictionaries is fixed.
- "Inflected Word Forms" window is implemented for Dark Mode also.
- Additional view settings of the word card are added.
- New button in preferences for reset to the default color and font settings is added.
- Additional languages for switching keyboard layouts are added.
ABBYY Lingvo Dictionary 1.11 Mac 破解版 下载
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