A Better Finder Attributes for Mac 6.06 破解版 – 优秀的文件属性批量修改工具


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A Better Finder Attributes 是一款Mac上实用的文件和目录属性批量修改工具,最新的版本,增加了大量新的功能以及支持最新的 macOS 10.12 Sierra 系统,支持批量操作,可以快速修改文件或目录的各种属性,比如创建时间、修改时间、EXIF信息等等,很实用!

[A Better Finder Attributes 在官网上售价39.95美元,约合人民币240元]

A Better Finder Attributes for Mac 6.06 介绍

A Better Finder Attributes is the ultimate file-tweaking tool for OS X. It combines photo-shooting date and file date changing along with a few unique tricks of its own.

  • Change EXIF Timestamps at Will - A Better Finder Attributes 5 allows you to manipulate JPEG, CR2, NEF, ARF CRW and CIFF EXIF timestamps at will by setting them to specific times or batch adjusting them by adding and removing time (useful for correcting the timestamps of images taken with a digital camera with a incorrectly set clock and to compensate for timezone changes).
  • Correct Finder Sorting for JPEG EXIF and RAW Photo - A Better Finder Attributes 5 also allows to synchronize the file creation and modification dates with the shooting dates of JPEG EXIF as well as a wide variety of RAW formats, so that files sort properly in the Finder and other systems.
  • Total File and Folder Creation and Modification Date Control - A Better Finder Attributes 5 gives you total control over file creation and modification dates, setting them to specific times and dates, adding or removing time or simply removing them altogether.
  • Automate with Droplets - A Better Finder Attributes 5 allows you to save frequently used settings to separate "droplet" applications. Drag-and-drop files onto the droplet application to apply the changes stored in it. Double click the droplet to edit the stored settings.
Other Noteworthy Features
  • Batch operation
  • Drag-and-drop into the file list or onto the application icon
  • Select files in the Finder and activate A Better Finder Attributes 5 via the Finder context menu or via a hot key
  • Automatically deals with file date consistency rules
  • Separate processing for files and folders, batch processing of sub-folders
  • Additionally, A Better Finder Attributes 5 gives you control over:
    • Whether or not file extensions appear in the Finder
    • Batch locking or unlocking of files
    • Setting or removing legacy creator and type codes
    • Removing invisible files
    • Seeing invisible files in the Finder
    • Batch setting of Finder labels
    • Forcing the Finder to update its information about files and folders
A Better Finder Attributes for Mac 6.06 破解版 – 优秀的文件属性批量修改工具-麦氪派

A Better Finder Attributes for Mac 6.06 下载

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