1Blocker for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 强大灵活的广告及跟踪代码屏蔽工具


2017-03-28 2,571 百度已收录

1Blocker 可以帮助我们轻松方便地检测分析浏览器网页上的广告以及跟踪代码1Blocker 强大的屏蔽功能还包括屏蔽其他内容,比如:网页评论、社会化分享小部件、分享按钮、突兀的法律声明、自定义web字体以及18+网站等。

[1Blocker 在Mac App Store上售价人民币30元]

1Blocker for Mac 1.3 介绍

1Blocker Website Inspector allows you to detect number of ads and trackers on a page, analyze content size and loading time, as well as estimate 1Blocker effect in Safari. See for yourself how many ad networks and analytics providers build deep profiles about you across the web.

Using 1Blocker you can also block these ads and tracking scripts in Safari. In addition to ad blocking, you can also block comments, various social widgets, share buttons, obtrusive EU cookie law notices, custom web fonts, adult sites, and more.

Note: an additional install of 1Blocker Extension is recommended in order to block content in Safari.

Learn More: 1blocker.com/mac


Hello again, dear customer! In this update, we're excited to finally release a new feature which makes blocking annoying content on websites really easy. Right in 1Blocker Safari extension, you can now simply tap on any page element — like sidebar, site logo or subscription box — to hide it.

Customizing your favorite websites has never been easier.

Moreover, there are a few subtle improvements throughout the app which make the experience of using 1Blocker so much better. For example, you can now search rules not only by their name, but also by domains to which they are applied.

As always, we've also updated our preinstalled blocker ruleset and fixed many common issues with popular websites. Here are a few examples:

  • Links on Macworld can now be accessed as normal.
  • Comments on Trello and Airbnb are no longer blocked.
  • Email subscription links open correctly in Safari.

Important: please launch the app to apply new preinstalled rules.

We love hearing from you! Send your feedback at @1BlockerApp on Twitter.

If you enjoy browsing the web with 1Blocker, please take a moment to leave a review on the App Store. Previous ratings are tied to app versions, so every review really matters. Thank you for your continuous feedback and support.

P.S. We have many awesome features planned for future versions of the app, stay tuned!

1Blocker for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 强大灵活的广告及跟踪代码屏蔽工具-麦氪派
1Blocker for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 强大灵活的广告及跟踪代码屏蔽工具-麦氪派
1Blocker for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 强大灵活的广告及跟踪代码屏蔽工具-麦氪派
1Blocker for Mac 1.3 破解版 – 强大灵活的广告及跟踪代码屏蔽工具-麦氪派

1Blocker for Mac 1.3 下载

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